Being the head of a house; normally comes great responsibility! That is what my father thought me; no matter how big or small the family you create becomes it always lays shoulders on you (the father). In some, but not all cases "the mother" is the one responsible and it is even in most cases quite tougher to deal with.
We all have to be mature grinded individuals in order to deal with the advertises us fathers and mothers face throughout a son or daughter's life. We have to be prepare for anything; financially and physically the hard road of life! It's as simple as that, anytime you become frustrated or angry do not take it on your family, but just be grateful of your family is worth! If you believe in GOD, he will give you and more opportunities to succeed in life, if you don't believe in him just stay positive and confront your situation with the strongest mind possible!
Not all people make it, not all people sustain that respect thorughout a family! It has to be a combination of patience and a very well experience father or mother. If it gets tougher, we also have to get even tougher and grind-it out to the extend of protecting our own families. So in final words, work hard, be very patient, and be joyful of what you have! But, hey! Do not forget to be the strong one in the family and be the best head of household you can be! Most of all enjoy your family...happy week to all!!!